Born: Au­gust 6, 1845, West­mins­ter, Mid­dle­sex, Eng­land.

Died: May 2, 1914, East Cowes, Isle of Wight.

Buried: Kil­mun, Scot­land.

John Campbell was the Ninth Duke of Ar­gyll, and Mar­quess of Lorne. He at­tend­ed Eton, St. An­drews and Trin­i­ty Coll­ege, Cam­bridge. In 1871, he mar­ried Prin­cess Lou­ise Car­o­line Al­berta, daugh­ter of Queen Vic­tor­ia of Br­itain. A man of ma­ny tal­ents, Campbell served as Mem­ber of Par­lia­ment, Gov­er­nor Gen­er­al of Can­a­da, and Gov­er­nor and Con­sta­ble of Wind­sor Cas­tle. In 1882, he found­ed the Roy­al So­ci­e­ty of Can­a­da to pro­mote the arts and sci­enc­es. His works in­clude:



  1. Unto the Hills Around Do I Lift Up