Born: Au­gust 21, 1866, Jor­dan, No­va Sco­tia, Can­a­da.

Died: March 9, 1948, Atlanta, Georgia.

Buried: West­view Cem­e­tery, At­lan­ta, Georg­ia.

Daughter of James N. and Irene Hard­ing Hold­en, Ci­vil­la taught school be­fore mar­ry­ing Wal­ter Mar­tin. To­ge­ther, they pro­duced a num­ber of Gos­pel songs.



  1. Accepted in the Beloved
  2. Blood Will Never Lose Its Power, The
  3. Breath of the Spirit, The
  4. God Will Take Care of You
  5. His Eye Is on the Sparrow
  6. Old-Fashioned Way, The
  7. Saved and Kept
  8. Sitting at the Feet of Jesus (© 1933)
  9. Wonderful Love