Born: June 30, 1881, near Al­ces­ter, South Da­ko­ta.

Died: Oc­to­ber 29, 1959, Min­ne­a­po­lis, Min­ne­so­ta.

Buried: Lake­wood Cem­e­te­ry, Min­ne­a­po­lis, Min­ne­so­ta.

Sveeggen was the son of An­drew Pe­der­sen Sve­eg­gen and Jo­han­na Si­verts­daugh­ter Som­mer­vold. A grad­u­ate of the Un­i­ver­si­ty of Min­ne­so­ta (MA 1909), he taught high school in De­cor­ah, Io­wa; at Ell­sworth Coll­ege in Io­wa Falls, Io­wa; then for 37 years head­ed the Eng­lish De­part­ment at Augs­burg Coll­ege, St. Paul, Min­ne­so­ta, and was a special­ist on Shakes­peare. He pub­lished sev­er­al songs, both in orig­in­al Eng­lish and trans­la­tions from Nor­we­gian.



  1. Lord, Our God, With Pray­er We Come
  2. My Heart is Longing to Praise My Savior
  3. Make Wide the Door, Unbar the Gate
  4. I Am So Glad Each Christmas Eve
  5. I Know a Kingdom Without End
  6. Lord Our God, with Praise We Come (1951)
  7. My Heart Is Longing (1931)
  8. Ring, O Ye Bells, O Ring Out
  9. Way that Unto Jesus Leads, The
  10. With God in Grace I’m Dwelling
  11. Year Again is Now Descending, A